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Technology and Ai Healthcare Solutions


Remote Healthcare

  • Improving Precision & Efficiency of Healthcare Systems

  • Developing Ai Models with Diagnosis Capabilities

  • Large Health Data Processing


Quality of Care Delivery

  • Enhanced Accuracy, Reducing Errors and Ensuring Audit Precision

  • Efficiency Gains, Time and Resource Saving

  • Compliance Assurance, Maintaining Consistency, Ai-driven Insights



INTUITIVE8 is specialised in Machine Learning Model development for healthcare and well-being applications. Our Vision is to advance the industry to innovative solutions, making the world a better place.We are the digital health technology company that combines medical expertise with innovative solutions. Our approach empowers individuals actively manage their well-being, while enabling healthcare professionals to deliver effective and evidence-based care.Experience the future of personalised and efficient digital healthcare with us.

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Advancing Remote Healthcare

Intuitive8 enables seamless communication between patients and healthcare providers through user-friendly interfaces and advanced technology. With features like natural and large language processing, patients can easily interact with the system and share relevant health information.The platform also supports secure messaging and video consultations for real-time communication. By improving communication channels, Intuitive8 enhances information exchange, enables efficient remote consultations, and promotes collaborative decision-making, resulting in an improved patient experience.

With secure messaging and video consultations, Intuitive8 enables real-time communication, eliminating the barriers of distance and time. Patients can consult with healthcare providers remotely, seeking advice, getting second opinions, or discussing treatment options, all from the comfort of their homes. This not only improves access to care, particularly for those in remote areas, but also reduces the need for unnecessary in-person visits, saving time and resources for both patients and healthcare facilities.Additionally, Intuitive8's collaborative features foster a multidisciplinary approach to patient care. It allows healthcare professionals from different specialties to securely communicate, share information, and collaborate on treatment plans. This seamless exchange of data and expertise promotes continuity of care, reduces medical errors, and ensures that patients receive comprehensive and coordinated healthcare services.By enhancing information exchange and promoting collaborative decision-making, Intuitive8 empowers patients and healthcare providers alike to make more informed choices. Patients gain a better understanding of their health conditions, enabling them to actively participate in their treatment plans and make lifestyle modifications. Healthcare providers benefit from a comprehensive view of patient data, enabling them to deliver personalized care, identify trends, and make evidence-based decisions.Ultimately, Intuitive8's focus on seamless communication, remote access, and collaborative decision-making creates a patient-centric healthcare experience. It improves patient engagement, outcomes, and satisfaction, while also enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery in an increasingly digital era.

Enhancing Quality of Care Delivery

Intuitive8 empowers healthcare professionals to achieve excellence through its comprehensive auditing capabilities. Developed by doctors, scientists, and industry pioneers, Intuitive8 enables professionals to enhance the quality of care delivery. It supports various audits, including morbidity-mortality audits, routine ICU audits, teaching and education performance assessments, and ward and department goal and achievement audits.By leveraging intelligent technology, Intuitive8 complements medical expertise, allowing professionals to refine performance, improve outcomes, and explore new possibilities in delivering exceptional healthcare.

Intuitive8 supports a culture of continuous quality improvement within healthcare organizations. It enables the collection and analysis of data, facilitates collaboration among multidisciplinary teams, and tracks the progress of quality improvement initiatives. By providing insights into the effectiveness of implemented interventions, healthcare professionals can refine their strategies and sustain positive changes over time.Teaching and education performance assessments support the development of healthcare professionals. Intuitive8 enables the evaluation of educational programs, tracking learner performance, and identifying areas where additional training or resources are needed. This fosters continuous learning and competency enhancement among healthcare providers.


MEDILIT is our flagship product, is an advanced system designed to actively listen during medical consultations, swiftly generating precise notes. The Ai technology behind the platform is built by Med-Tech experts. The Ai models of MEDILIT are fine-tuned on medical dataset and optimised for healthcare industry to produce reliable, precise and high quality output. The user experience and framework of the platform is is inspired and designed by doctors to ensure it fits into the workflow of doctors.

Its primary objective is to alleviate the burdensome paperwork that often encumbers healthcare practitioners. Committed to enhancing doctors' experience, Medicopilot continually evolves.